Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Another Story for Little Children

Little Jimmy was playing with his new BB gun in the front yard when a car pulled over. A teenager boy came out of the car and said. "Hey kid, that's a nice BB gun you have!"

Little Jimmy proudly declared, "Oh it is the best BB gun ever! it is my birthday gift! Look, I can shoot squirrels with it!" And then he shot the squirrels on the tree.

The teenager smiled and said, "Oh that is so much fun! Now you die!" And with that he turned into a giant monster with huge teeth then broke little Jimmy into two pieces with one huge bite, and little Jimmy's blood and guts splashed all over the place.


Moral of the story:
1) BB guns are bad;
2) Strangers, especially those who just came out of cars, can turn into monsters anytime, so little children should run away from strangers and their cars on sight.


Cuervo said...

Nice story!

I would like to translate it into spanish and post it in my blog. Can I?

Hexeon said...

Sure, as long as you include a link to my site as the reference to the original source.